Goal Development In Sessions
Establishing Reasonable Arc Goals: We must establish reasonable goals to begin with our session. A client may have larger arc goals in mind that they wish to reach through repeated nervous system coaching. Each session will focus on a smaller aspect of that goal.
Regulating The Nervous System Signals Around Your Goals: We analyze the raw nervous system signals that are stimulated while you discuss your goals and what is holding you back. A client will be asked to locate the physical position in which they are experiencing fight, flight, fawn, freeze, and appease signals with their body. We will pause during a discussion to focus on one of two signals at a time. We re-track nervous system signals after regulation and metabolization practices. If applicable, we will map and analyze these signals.
Exploring Cognition Programming Detection Around Your Goals: We will run your goals and nervous system signals that arise through cognition detection angles. This analyzes nervous system signals for symbolic conscious programming. We discuss natural visualizations that come up in response to discussing your goals and regulating your signals. Within this, we increase the ability to read your thoughts from a strategic angle to increase thought clarity.
Discussing Metacognition Strategy Around Your Goals: Within the metacognition strategy, we will discuss how to apply the current nervous system signals we detected and any cognition detection to a strategy. This involves understanding how your mind and body are organically triggered and how we can rewire this natural reflex to be more supportive of your goals. With education on physiology, we use information on how the nervous system operates to fuel energy toward your goals, as opposed to your restrictions.​
What is the difference between discussing goals versus metabolizing nervous system signals beneath goals?
Being that the primary goal is to strengthen the sense of identity and how it shows up in the nervous system, no matter what we discuss within a session, we will always return to regulating and being aware of the nervous system signals beneath what we are discussing. This means we often turn the focus away from discussing and analyzing, reading, feeling, and expanding nervous system signals that lead to this discussion. In this way, sessions carry a large focus on sensations rather than talking.
We do this because Clients tend to have an overreliance on the prefrontal cortex, which is the part of the brain associated with language processing. A client may overly use the prefrontal cortex to analyze their nervous system signal instead of relying on other parts of the brain to do so. This leads to over-labeling what they feel to disassociate from a nervous system signal. In somatic psychology, we rely on different ways of labeling nervous system signals in a way designed to release and metabolize the signals, as opposed to labeling them.
This is a process that a client is slowly taken through alongside their facilitator as their guide. As we analyze different topics, we will strengthen the ability to read the nervous system through an educated lens to strengthen clients' awareness of themselves, trust in themselves, grounding for their identity, and ability to make clear-headed decisions based on their nervous system signals that they trust. This allows clients to achieve life goals with a new sense of educated confidence.
Developing Confidence In Your Goal Development
What if I do not know what specific goals, topics, or questions I have before starting a session with you?
A client's understanding of what their goals truly are for their nervous system is meant to develop over time in sessions. Goals may even be subject to change across sessions. Changing your conscious and unconscious relationship with your goals is an organic occurrence in sessions.
If a client is unsure about what to do next, we may take the session from a few angles:
1. Part of somatic psychology coaching is to strengthen the connection between your wants, needs, and nervous system signals that support them. If a client comes in unsure as to what they want to move forward, the session focus becomes to analyze why they are unsure. We do this by analyzing the nervous system signals around doubts, hesitations, and fears, where one is holding oneself back and does not trust oneself to venture into life. Though a client may not have a clear direction as to what they want for themselves next, which is okay, we can focus on nervous system signals that lead to a lack of clarity.
2. We can choose an important topic in the client's life and run them through a cognition test to analyze conscious programming attachments. This is a more experimental pathway in a session. As we find stimulating topics for the nervous system, we can then focus on the-spot nervous system regulation and education.
3. Your facilitator can discuss general nervous system regulation and general education until a client is inspired by a question.
Asking Questions & Self-Guiding Your Session
What are some example questions I can ask?
The following are example questions we have been asked in the past. However, feel free to be as creative as you want when asking your question.
1. I feel the need to people-please in most social situations, but I do not see the need to change. Can you let me know any information on why appeasement may impact my relationship with my nervous system in the long run?
2. How can I tell the difference between introspection and overthinking?
3. How is my fight-or-flight system showing up in social situations? Can you be detailed about what may happen to my nervous system in these situations?
4. I am starting a business and know I want to do this - however, when I commit to it, I freeze. Can you provide insight into what may be happening to my nervous system when I feel this way?
5. I have been following you on social media for a while and saw a video I resonate with. Can you elaborate on that topic more for me?
Keep in mind that no matter what question you ask, we can only provide education and not advisement. We are not here to tell you what to do in life - that is up to you. All we are here for is to provide general education on the nervous system, ideas, and questions to consider. Applying the information is up to a user’s discretion.
Nervous System Regulation Prompts
Over multiple coaching sessions, a client will be able to speak in a terminology that allows them to lead their own nervous system regulation. Until then, a facilitator will guide and coach you on how to do this, monitoring for overstimulation. Over time, sessions have their own language that a coach and client will adapt together to fit a client’s goals and a way to make nervous system regulation conversational. Examples include:
1. “I am feeling a flight signal. Can we regulate it?”
2. “I am feeling overstimulated. I am ready to do some nervous system regulation around that.”
3. “I feel safe enough to begin metabolizing this nervous system signal. Can we contact, tritate, or mobilize this signal?”
4. “I would like to try to map what I am feeling right now.”
Metacognition & Cognition Detection
Over multiple coaching sessions, a client will be able to get familiar with how their involuntary mental imaging is factoring a role in how they perceive themselves and their environment. With an awareness of the client's current conscious programming, we move forward with how to be aware and reprogram some involuntary cues.
1. “I am ready to do cognition detection on this topic to see what we find.”
2. “I want to strategy how to strengthen my mental imagery along with my current nervous system state.”​​​