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Session Introduction

Let’s analyze your goals through The Subconscious Codex.


Your choice. Your journey. This is advanced, higher education in self-awareness. Sessions and The Subconscious Codex establish clear nervous system regulation goals for the client and run their life goals and ambitions through different cognition awareness practices and tests.


Sessions involve four main features: (1) metacognition strategy, (2) goal-centered nervous system regulation, (3) cognition programming detection, and (4) nervous system mapping.


GOAL-CENTERED NERVOUS SYSTEM REGULATION: Learn how to receive, metabolize, and mobilize nervous system signals working against your greatest ambitions and sense of self. Together, we analyze fight, flight, freeze, and appease nervous system signals in your social, self, and career situations. We bring awareness to unconscious nervous system stimulation in everyday life. Your facilitator will record significant or repeating nervous system and body language signals around your goals and discuss them with you. We work together to expand safety zones within the nervous system and metabolize nervous system signals that no longer serve your healthier self. Over time, sessions increase one’s skill to apply the nervous system in elevating various goals. 


METACOGNITION STRATEGY: Our experimental cognition work is designed to analyze how your unconscious mind reacts to various stimuli. Cognition strategy discussion aids in noticing the differences between introspection, intellect, and overthinking. Our philosophy is that introspection is a neutral self-analysis designed to advance you. We break down your current cognition strategies and see where they can grow. Using The Subconscious Codex and awareness of how different concepts stimulate your nervous system, we move forward with your goals.


COGNITION DETECTION: In sessions, we use a small beta portion of our upcoming interactive self-analysis system called The Subconscious Codex. The system is designed for cognition programming detection around the topic of your goals. Reveal what is holding you back. If applicable to your session goals, you will receive hand-picked cognition practices during sessions. Explore unconscious-induced images to your answers using our cognition detection system. We have digital session materials that one can upload onto a tablet to explore one’s consciousness during sessions. Alternatively, one may use their notebook to follow along with practices.


NERVOUS SYSTEM MAPPING: Learn to map nervous system signals using our cognition detection system. Our passion is creating physical tools and workbooks to navigate where identity information shows-up on your nervous system - aiming to find a strong sense of identity in your body.


Note: We recommend 90-minute sessions for those interested in official one-on-one coaching. Use multiple standard sessions to train your ability to read your nervous system and apply effective cognition strategies across time.​

Recommended Session Frequency

How long is best to do nervous system regulation coaching?


How long a client may need to do nervous system coaching until they feel their nervous system signals are regulated towards their goals is different for every client. For each goal, it is traditional and recommended to enter coaching for three, six, nine, or twelve-month periods. A single session may be a good introduction to nervous system and metacognition strategy, however to train the nervous system and cognition around the clients goals takes time and repeated sessions. You can discuss with your facilitator how many sessions is good for you based on your goals and rate of progress in sessions. Deeper work may take longer periods of time.


How frequently should I do nervous system regulation coaching?


Clients can take nervous system and cognition coaching at their pace, however it is recommended to not go too long if you are coaching on a particular goal. Traditionally, clients either do bi-weekly, monthly, or coaching every two-three months. Some individuals may find it best to do check-ins as they need in their life. To see the most efficient results, one should consider making it routine until they notice significant progress on their goals. You can discuss with your facilitator what frequency of sessions is going to best for your based on your goals and rate of process in sessions.

Types Of Sessions

What are Discovery Call Sessions?


Have questions about sessions? Meet your facilitator before booking a session.


Discovery calls are not sessions. Discovery calls are for you to meet your facilitator before booking a session to ask questions about if sessions are a good fit for your needs Discuss questions and curiosities like:


1.  Are metacognition and nervous system strategy sessions right for me?

2.  What is metacognition?

3.  What is goal-centered nervous system regulation?

4.  What is cognition programming detection?

5.  What is nervous system mapping?

6.  Do you think sessions can assist me with (insert your goal)?

7.  Are 35-minute sessions or 90-minute sessions right for my goals?

8.  I want to elaborate on this specific part of my client intake and discuss it with you.

9.  I need more information [insert specific question] to feel ready for sessions.


Discovery calls do not include any session features. They are limited to one per customer. Discovery calls are held on Zoom video calls. They are 15-minute periods.




Our shorter sessions are discussion-based knowledge sessions. 35-minute sessions are designed to be quick-paced informative sessions dedicated to one or two topics at most or whatever set of information fits within the allotted time.


A client may ask questions surrounding our experimental work in metacognition, somatic psychology, and how to apply nervous system education to your life goals. A client can choose current life goals, self-development puzzles they currently have, psychology information they have been requesting, and understanding how to make their education on the nervous system more compatible with career & self-development goals. The purpose of a session is to relate more positively to the mind and your physiology to advance your life. 


The topics include but are not limited to (1) noticing the difference between introspection & overthinking through the lens of our experimental metacognition work, (2) detailed nervous system reading on your goals, (3) navigating social influence from a physiological and nervous system level, (4) education on metabolizing nervous system signals, (5) discussing ineffective and effective self-analysis through the lens of our experimental metacognition work, (6) fight/flight/fawn/appease/freeze in social, self-development, and career situations (7) mirroring & people pleasing awareness, (8) defense against the programming of the mind, and (9) awareness of unconscious & conscious manual nervous system stimulation. If a client is unsure where to begin, simply define your goals with your facilitator, and they will select a metacognition or nervous system angle strategy to begin exploring with you. Sessions are explorative practices.


Shorter sessions are more selective on what is covered. The specific techniques, topics, and nervous system regulation methods covered are time-dependent. Though these are primarily discussion-based knowledge sessions, they may include on-the-spot nervous system regulation practices, breath work practices, metacognition strategy discussion, and a discussion of vulnerable material that fits within the guidelines and techniques.




Our longer sessions take you through our Subconscious Codex system, with more time to explore the four-session pillars. The Subconscious Codex is a cognition detection system designed to find metacognition and nervous system reactivity programming around your goals. Sessions can potentially explore your current nervous system programming from 50+ different angles across sessions and growing. Though one 90-minute session may only cover one or a few of these angles, each cognition detection practice we do is designed to reveal unconscious and conscious information about how your body currently reacts to your goals.


During the session, you are taken through detailed nervous system awareness and regulation around your goals. Together, we begin a session by articulating a single goal or self-development exploration you are curious about with your session. After establishing this goal, a client is taken through different points of nervous system awareness, discussion, and strategy. Next, we will explore different points of The Subconscious Codex as recommended. A client also may recommend a starting point, depending on their familiarity with the system from past sessions. As we detect different angles of cognition information, a client is guided through nervous system regulation and awareness practices. Weaving in information about somatic psychology, metacognition, and applied Polyvagal theory, we discuss how to get your nervous system and cognition strategy to be in support of your goals, self-development, and life aspirations.​

Session Vary

Each session experience is different.


Some sessions will be more discussion-based, others will be more nervous system regulation-based, some will take you through experimental practices, and others will discuss your real-life focuses woven in with information on somatic psychology. Due to this changing nature, there are some sessions where we may not use The Subconscious Codex or nervous system mapping at all, and may do primarily discussion and nervous system regulation instead. Together, we choose what best suits your current needs per session.


*Due to time limitations, 35-minute sessions often do not involve much of The Subconscious Codex. 35-minute sessions focus more on the metacognition strategy and discussion. These sessions selectively involve aspects of The Subconscious Codex. Our 35-minute sessions are a great way to ask quick questions and get answers. 


The Metacognition Strategy is more discussion-based. Nervous system regulation is less discussion-based and more practice-based. Understand each session is different and may involve varying levels of each the four pillar elements of sessions: (1) metacognition strategy, (2) goal-centered nervous system regulation, (3) cognition programming detection, and (4) nervous system mapping. Sessions do not guarantee all four pillars, sometimes focusing on only one pillar to meet your goal.

Session Structure

What types of questions can I explore with you during our session?


We recommend using your session time to focus on (1) self, (2) career, or (3) social development.

Sessions should focus on the management of self-exploration, goal development, career development, aspirations, curiosities, intellectual advancement, and everyday challenges of the self.


You can be as expressive, creative, abstract, or direct about any questions you have as possible, as long as it fits within the Guidelines.


For years online, I have assisted thousands of people in the name of confronting themselves and their goals in life, using education on the mind, cognition, and nervous system awareness to heighten their sense of self-awareness and application of self. Providing potential avenues of cognition and nervous system strategy is my passion in life.


You may address small and large goals alike, whatever question you feel you need to explore next on your journey.


No matter what question you ask or information you may receive in return, session exploration is considered general tailored somatic psychology and metacognition education to your goals and is not considered as life advisement.


What is the structure of a session?


Beginning Nervous System Regulation: We will begin our session by doing parasympathetic breathing exercises to calm and ground the nervous system circuit before starting our exploration.


Goal Establishment: The next step is to clearly define what your target goal is for the session. Your facilitator may ask a series of nervous system and metacognition-based questions to get a stronger sense of where you stand in your goals. This is an open, casual, and occasionally vulnerable discussion time to get down to the details of what we are asking from our session today.


Exploring Session Pillars: We will take your goal through awareness tests and regulation practices. We explore these through our four session pillars: (1) metacognition strategy, (2) goal-centered nervous system regulation, (3) cognition programming detection, and (4) nervous system mapping.


Intermitted Nervous System Regulation: As we go through nervous system education, metacognition strategy, and various cognition practices, we will pause our exploration to discuss what your nervous system is experiencing. The session will continue to come back to nervous system regulation. Though we may explore logical and educational discussion, what gets information to stick and be helpful towards your goals is to ensure that your nervous system is not sending contradictory signals towards your aspirations.


Applying To Goals Discussion: In our metacognition and nervous system strategy, we will talk about methods, practices, nervous system awareness angles, and logical breakdowns on how to get your nervous system and cognition patterns to align with your goals. Sometimes, a session may have a lot of nervous system regulation and little discussion. No matter how the session organically goes, raw nervous system regulation is just as productive to your goals as cognition strategy is. Over time, with patterned nervous system regulation around your goals, clients should be able to see sensational regulation around their aspirations with repeated coaching in sessions.


Closing Nervous System Regulation: Sessions can be incredibly active and vulnerable experiences. Other sessions may be more strategic and discussion-based. Repeated sessions have a mix of both types of sessions. As we reach the end of the session, your facilitator will work to ground any overactive nervous system signals before closing the session. We do this by running through parasympathetic grounding exercises before leaving a session. If a client still finds themselves overactive after a session, we recommend downloading the free trial from our partnering app, Open. For more information on how you can use these exercises to down-regulate your nervous system, please see our website, and click on the “Meditate” tab.


Next Time: For Clients participating in regular coaching, we will discuss focus practices to do in between sessions and (2) what we will potentially continue exploring in our next session.


IMPORTANT: Every session experience is different. We may use 1-4 of any of the four-session pillars: (1) metacognition strategy, (2) goal-centered nervous system regulation, (3) cognition programming detection, and (4) nervous system mapping. It is dependent on a client's goals, nervous system regulation rate, and other various factors.

Session Materials

What are session materials?


Session materials are delivered to your email before your scheduled session date. They include our nervous system maps, cognition detection worksheets, sensation labeling lists, and more. Our session materials are always changing and adapting. You will receive your session materials before your first coaching session. Unless our materials update themselves, you don’t need to download new materials before each session. We will notify you if we make changes, updates, or additions to our session materials for you to re-download.


Session materials are designed to be written on and used during experimental session practices. Any session materials we use during sessions can optionally be kept or deleted after use. That is up to a client’s preference. In some cases, session materials can be kept for reference in future sessions. As we develop goals, in some cases session materials are a way to track progress.


Our session materials are currently designed to be used on tablets with digital pencils. We recommend uploading your session materials to a digital note-taking app. We recommend GoodNotes, which is a free app for download. Alternatively, you can also use any markup app on your tablet.


What if I do not have a tablet?


Soon, we will have versions of our session materials for print and phone. However, until then, we recommend downloading your session materials to reference on a phone or computer - whichever is easier to reference during a session. In case you do not have a tablet, please come to your session with a notebook and something to write with. As we reference the session materials, we will use your notebook to participate in practices.


Can I use session materials outside of sessions?


Our session materials are still in beta development. We recommend only using your session materials if you are a facilitator and agree on post-session practices. In the future, we will have developed session materials packages to be used outside of sessions available in our shop. In some instances, your facilitator will recommend nervous system tracking that you can do in between sessions. A client can also request nervous system and cognition tracking to practice in between sessions.


We did not use all of the session materials. When we will get to it?


Session materials are there to support practices in sessions. However, not all sessions require the use of any session materials. Session materials are used in most cases during cognition detection practices, nervous system mapping, and educational reference. Not all sessions will have these features, so we may not use any of them. Other sessions may use several. If there was a nervous system or cognition detection map that you were interested in using that we did not cover in a session, in your next session and indicate by email that you are interested in using those session materials in the next session. Do understand that though a client may request to use certain session materials in the middle of a session, the use of session materials tends to be time-permitting. That being said, your facilitator will always prioritize a client's requests as long as the request benefits the client's previously stated goals and does not serve to dissociate from the goal.


I want to share my nervous system journals so a friend can use them. Can I do that? 


Session materials can not be shared or applied outside of the context of sessions. If you have a friend or family member whom you wish to use session materials, have them book a session with us or purchase material kits from our shop.

Bringing Materials To Sessions

Do I need to bring anything to the session?


A client should bring any of the following to a session:


• Tablet (If Owned)

• Notebook

• Preferred Writing Tool (Pencil, Pen, Colored Pencils, Highlighters, etc.)

• Water


We recommend prepping your space before a session to be peaceful and grounding. Whatever materials, scents, and sights provide sensations of grounding for you should be set out before a session.


• Tea

• Candles

• Favorite Drink

• Blankets

• Pillows

• Favorite Chair, Yoga Mat, Ground Seating, etc.

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